Unconscious Bias Self-Paced Course + Professional Certificate

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Unconscious Bias offers a principle-based approach to identifying and addressing bias - increasing performance across your entire organization. Every day, we are faced with countless bits of information while making decisions. As we confront more and more information we rely on biased thinking. Why? Because unconscious biases are how our brains compensate for overload. But bias can also inhibit performance and lead to poor decision-making. Unconscious Bias goes beyond simply raising awareness to help participants build practical skills that let them recognize bias in action and counter its potentially harmful effects.

Experience the online course in a self-paced format to earn the Unconscious Bias™ Professional Certificate.

Course Details

Unconscious Bias™ course provides 30 hours of self-paced learning and includes a 12-month subscription to:

  • 5 Modules
  • Power Lessons
  • 5 Recorded Seminars
  • 16 Resources
  • 5 Assignments
  • 5 Quizzes
  • 2-3 Hours Per Week
  • 1 Professional Assessment
  • 100% Online

Optional: Order the Unconscious Bias™ book separately.


By earning this FranklinCovey Professional Certificate, an individual has demonstrated competence in Unconscious Bias, and is consistently using a variety of strategies and tactics to overcome limiting biases in self and othersto unlock performance.


Impact Coaching

Coaches meet with you on a weekly basis to provide you the support you need to successfully learn the principles and concepts of the course, answer questions, provide feedback, and help you achieve breakthrough results.

Professional Assessment

The Professional Assessment will assess your application of Unconscious Bias™, their key concepts and practices in real-life. The exam includes essays, video responses, interviews and role-plays, where you will be asked to give detailed examples of your application of the Unconscious Bias™. Please give yourself the necessary time to effectively apply the concepts learned in Unconscious Bias™ prior to taking the assessment.

Requirements include:

  • A live interview. (Includes traditional questions, role-play scenarios and video repsonses.)
  • Q&A written responses.

NOTE: Further detailed instructions will be provided at the time of the assessment.


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